These are the days where am most unproductive, spending money which I shouldn't, drinking and eating for passing time. The results are showing too, 5 pounds more heavy.The credit cards approval (8,500) is a huge relief in this dollar drought.
Back home, everything is happening quick new home, new car, and a succesfull land settlement.
Karthik San Antonio drop-off to a college, bbq at oaks and parties at springhills are like a final mashup before the graduation. FIRST TIME AT AN IMAX- Interstellar - HOW LUCKY WE WOULD ALL BE TO MOVE INTO A WORLD WHERE TIME IS JUST ANOTHER PHYSICAL UNIT AND YOU COULD RELATIVELY JUMP INTO ANY MOMENT YOU WANT.

Back home, everything is happening quick new home, new car, and a succesfull land settlement.
Karthik San Antonio drop-off to a college, bbq at oaks and parties at springhills are like a final mashup before the graduation. FIRST TIME AT AN IMAX- Interstellar - HOW LUCKY WE WOULD ALL BE TO MOVE INTO A WORLD WHERE TIME IS JUST ANOTHER PHYSICAL UNIT AND YOU COULD RELATIVELY JUMP INTO ANY MOMENT YOU WANT.